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Taming Talia Page 7

  No, he was a Pinkerton agent with an assignment. Best remember that.

  Laughing, Natalia unbuttoned his coat and shirt, snaked her arms around his waist, then rested her cheek on his bare chest. “Let’s get you changed as well.”

  He sucked in a breath. The warmth of her exhalations against his skin sent shivers up his spine. He pressed a kiss on top of her head and shut his eyes as he held her. In his mind’s eye, he could see the two of them together…forever. What sweeter comfort could any man find than in the arms of this woman?

  The burning mesquite popped, reminding him of the need for more firewood. “I’ll change, but I need to go back out for more wood, and it’s already time to feed the horses.”

  “Really? I can’t believe it took so long. Wait. I’ll go with you.” She sat straight up. “Won’t take as long.”

  He shook his head. “No, you almost didn’t make it last time. I know you don’t like taking orders, but this time, you must stay inside the house. With the trench and the rope for a guide, I won’t be gone long.”

  Her dark eyes widened, flashing with fiery rebellion. “I’m going!”

  “No, you’re not. If I have to tie you down, I will.”

  “Then I’d be your prisoner instead of Reginald’s.” Her expression grew pensive as she stuck the tip of her forefinger in her mouth and sucked. “I might not mind being yours.”

  He gazed into the darkest of brown eyes. “Promise me.”

  “I promise.” Her words were what he wanted to hear, but her tone held a note of vacillation.

  “You mean it? You’ll stay inside?”


  “You won’t leave the house for any reason. No matter what. None.”

  “Sí. Sí. Sí! But you are such a stubborn man.”

  “I’m not the stubborn one.” He shook his head. The woman would drive him mad if he let her. “That’s you.”

  “And if I were not, we wouldn’t have spent such an interesting evening.”

  He stood and stepped away from the fire…and Talia, lest he get burned. Damn. Best get out of the lady’s reach. “There would’ve been no need for an ‘interesting evening’ had you remained inside as instructed.”

  Sticking her nose in the air, she gave a little huff. “Was making love to me such a chore, Jared?”

  “Not a chore, but it wouldn’t have happened otherwise.” It shouldn’t have happened at all, but she was freezing…and he was a man. Enough said.

  “I beg to disagree.” She gave an arrogant toss of her hair. Her long black locks were in disarray from the day’s work. “It was going to happen—one way or another.”

  “You’re awfully certain of your allure, señora.” Even in the soggy, shapeless clothes she wore, she was more than alluring. His cock was hard as a brick. He wanted nothing more than to loosen the rest of her hair and carry her to the bed and make love to her all over again.

  Her sensual mouth pulled into a catlike smile as she shot him a sideways glance. “A woman knows when she’s desired.” She rose from the chaise and started removing her wet garments. Unbuttoning the flannel shirt slowly—one button at a time—she revealed the silken skin he already knew so well.

  “From the first time we met, I knew you wanted me.” Her dark gaze held him immobile. He wanted to look away but couldn’t. Mouth dry, he swallowed.

  “You couldn’t hide your interest any more than my husband could hide his lack.” She shrugged off the shirt, then nimbly stepped out of the wet denims. Like some sort of wild-animal mating ritual, she preened, caressing the curves of her body in the light of the fire. “Any more than you can hide your desire now.” Her knowing gaze dropped to his crotch.

  Fearful of losing all control, he turned away. “For God’s sake, Natalia. Please get dressed before you freeze to death. You know I need to go back and feed the animals.” Unwilling to give in to her sensual power, he strode from the room.

  Dios! How dare he leave her naked and alone? Natalia called after him, “You would’ve frozen without me with nothing but two horses and a cow for company.” She stomped her foot, but it did nothing to relieve her frustration. What an infuriating man—just when she thought she had his undivided attention. But as much as she hated to admit it, he was right to consider the creatures that couldn’t fend for themselves.

  While she dreaded leaving the meager heat emanating from the fire, she might as well get dressed. Her stomach growled again. First warm clothes, then food.

  She quickly pulled on the woolen underwear, then found another pair of heavy denim pants and stepped into them. After buttoning them, she pulled not just one but two plaid flannel shirts from the chifforobe drawer. Two layers of everything. That should be sufficient to keep from freezing and still be able to walk around. The flannel shirts were soft and warm against her skin, and finally she was able to stop shivering.

  To hell with Jared Fields for his offhand manner. She could hear him rummaging around in Reginald’s bedroom. Fortunately, Sarita hadn’t had time to get rid of his old clothes.

  At the thought of Sarita, tears welled in Natalia’s eyes. Surely her housekeeper and friend had made it to her husband and their snug little house before the snowstorm worsened. There was nothing Natalia could do now. But as soon as the weather cleared enough, she would saddle her mare and ride over to their house.

  In the meantime, Natalia was so hungry it felt like her belly was rubbing against her backbone. She strode down the central hall, meaning to head for the kitchen, but Jared suddenly emerged from Reginald’s bedchamber. He set his hands on her shoulders, blocking her way. Damn him! She stepped back and gave him a none-too-gentle shove. “Out of my way.”

  “Where do you think you’re you off to now?” One dark brow arched as if he was amused by her action.

  She glared up at him, torn between smacking his bristly cheek or kissing it. “The kitchen. Am I the only one who’s hungry?” She stepped to the side, aiming to go around him, but he matched her step in a smooth waltz-like glide. Pulling her into his arms, he held her tight against his chest and spun her around.

  “Stop it. This isn’t one of your fancy cotillion balls. Besides, you’re still damp.” But his nearness was getting to her, if her weakening knees and ragged breathing were indications. “Go change,” she said with a softening of her tone. “I’ll fix us something to eat.”

  “Talia…” His voice deepened and broke. “I could eat you all night and all day for that matter.” He ducked his head, then said, “Sorry I snapped. You have a way of throwing me off balance.”

  Shooting him a warm glance, she curtsied. “Of course, Señor Fields. That’s been my plan all along.” The thought of his tongue and how it felt sliding wetly between her legs sent a shudder through her body. Smiling and in grave danger of losing herself in his dark steel gaze, she shook her head. “Soon, that would not be enough. Eventually, we would die of starvation.”

  A merry laugh erupted from the man who still held her in his arms. “Might have a point at that.” He released her after planting a quick kiss on her forehead. “I’ll change. But then I’m heading out again… The animals. Firewood, remember?”

  “Yes, firewood, unless you want cold stew.”

  “I’ve eaten worse.” He grinned down at her, his gray eyes shining with good humor. “But I do prefer my meat—uh, meals—hot.”

  “Then get the firewood, and I’ll see to it that everything you eat”—pausing, she fluttered her lashes for effect—“is just the way you like it.”

  “Your kindness and consideration are much appreciated, ma’am.” The cheeky bastard winked, bowed, then returned to Reginald’s bedchamber to change into dry clothes.

  Yes, his meaning was clear. Tonight would be another night for fucking. And it would be in the comfort of her bed, not on top of a smelly, scratchy horse blanket placed on a pile of hay. The thought sent a curl of pleasure to her belly and below. Clamping her knees together, she squirmed.

  He’d better hurry with that fi
rewood. She couldn’t wait much longer.

  Once in the kitchen, Natalia checked the icebox, Reginald’s last extravagant purchase before meeting his demise. Sarita had saved the remaining portion of the stew in a covered saucepan. Natalia lifted the lid and saw there was enough for another meal. Next she lit a candle and carried it into the pantry. The shelves were lined with glass jars of dried beans and canned tomatoes from the hacienda’s small garden, as well as a variety of tinned food items purchased in the town’s small general store. Reginald had been very fond of his food, and what couldn’t be bought locally, he ordered in quantity from stores back East. Dried chilies were stored according to variety in a rectangular, covered tin pan. Thanks to Sarita’s hard work, the root section of the wine cellar was well stocked with potatoes, sweet potatoes, onions and even apples from the handful of trees Reginald insisted on planting.

  In other words, thanks to Reginald’s love of food, they weren’t in danger of starving. But what about her ranch hands and the two thousand head of cattle waiting in town to go to market? If the snow didn’t end soon, many would be lost. Perhaps all.

  In the meantime, there was nothing she could do except survive.

  She walked back into the kitchen and found Jared there, warmly dressed in her late but not lamented husband’s old clothes and prepared to go back into the storm. Reginald’s clothes fit Jared’s lean-hipped body loosely, but he looked handsome nonetheless.

  “As you suggested, I helped myself.”

  “He won’t mind where he is. Hell, I hope. I was going to have Sarita burn them, but then it occurred to me that we should distribute everything to those who were in need. I suppose this qualifies.”

  He glanced down at the leather belt holding up his baggy trousers. “It does.”

  She reached up to caress his dark, bristled cheek and smiled. “As you can see, Reginald was very fond of his food. He would’ve called you a poor specimen of a man.”

  “No doubt.” He nodded his agreement. “Too much time on horseback and too little at fine dinner tables.”

  She took his calloused hands in hers, still gazing into his steely eyes. “However, I do not.”

  His arms went around her waist, pulling her close. Her lower body connected with his, making the hard jut of his cock impossible to miss. Molded so close to him, she could feel every beat of his heart. He dipped his head and slanted his mouth over hers. She parted her lips to the fevered assault of his tongue. Her knees began to feel as mushy as overcooked rice.

  As she was about to rip open his shirt, he stopped kissing her and pulled away. “Later.”

  “Later?” she asked, still dazed by the onslaught of desire ripping through her entire body.

  “Firewood.” He kissed the tip of her nose. “Food.” He kissed her neck and moved down to nuzzle her breasts through the thick flannel shirts. Meeting her gaze again, he added, “Then, dear Talia, fucking.”

  His frank language made her inner muscles clench. Unable to hold back a nervous chuckle, she said, “At least your priorities are in order. It’s good to know where I stand.” She reached for his collar, pulling it tighter around his neck. “Be careful. I think the wind has picked up, so you shouldn’t stay outside any longer than necessary.” Shivering, she rubbed her upper arms.

  He grinned down at her, slipping a stray lock of hair behind her ear. “Careful, Talia. Your maternal side is showing.”

  She smiled, loving the husky sound of her name on Jared’s lips. Old Reginald had insisted on calling her “Nata-lee” rather than by her true name and correct pronunciation. “I’m not sure my maternal instincts have ever been tested before. And I’m not sure they ever will.” No, she would never marry again. Never give up her land, her power or her heart.

  “There’s definitely a maternal side to you. Of that I have no doubt.”

  “Go.” She shivered and rubbed her arms. “But don’t stay too long. I’m starving.” In more ways than one.

  “Me too,” he said with a wink and a nod. Then, pulling his coat collar tighter, he turned and eased out the kitchen door into the night.

  Still quivering, Natalia stood in the door, watching until he was lost in the dark and howling wind. She eased the door closed. Hopefully the snow hadn’t drifted so much that the trench they’d dug had filled in. Plus he had the rope to use as a guide back to the stables. He wouldn’t get lost in the blizzard. He wouldn’t.

  No matter who or what Jared really was didn’t matter. What did matter was that she didn’t have to spend the rest of the winter snowed in…and alone.

  For now, she would take advantage of all Jared’s skills…in and out of bed. And after he left, she’d be alone again. When Reginald was killed, she confessed she’d been more than relieved. She’d been grateful he no longer had control of her body and life, but now being alone didn’t have quite the same appeal. If she was honest with herself, she’d miss Jared’s strength and his company.

  Chapter Nine

  After caring for the two horses and the milk cow, Jared shut the stable door. There was plenty of feed, but water was in short supply, unless he could melt some of the damned snow. As he headed around the side of the stable to where Talia said the firewood was located, his footsteps crunched through the deep snow. The path he and Talia had dug was still passable, and the rope remained a secure guide for traveling to and from the house to the stable a hundred yards away. And for the moment, the wind had stopped blowing. Instead of blinding horizontal sweeps of the white stuff, snow now drifted down softly in fat flakes. There was no moon. The silence was eerie. As far as he could see, there was nothing but snow and the snow-covered humps of the other ranch outbuildings.

  Using leather strips and a couple of wood planks he’d found in the stable, he fashioned a small travois-like contraption he could use to drag a supply of wood back to the ranch house. All he had to do now was clear another path to find the woodpile. Holding back a groan, he stopped long enough to stretch his neck and back muscles, already aching from the day’s digging…and maybe last night’s exertions in keeping Talia from freezing to death. The thought of her waiting for his return brought a smile to his face. What were a few more hours of backbreaking work? The sooner he started, the sooner he could pull her into his arms.

  By the light of a kerosene lamp, Talia paced. A myriad of worries flashed through her mind. Jared had been gone for what seemed like hours. Had he fallen? Been injured? Maybe the woodpile collapsed on top of him? Should she risk going out again to find him? That particular strategy hadn’t worked too well last time. She was the one who fell and nearly froze to death before he rescued her. Maybe this time, he was the one in need of rescue.

  She turned to go to her bedroom for more clothes. The rattle of the door caught her attention; she spun to find Jared’s tall frame silhouetted in the doorway. A wave of relief rushed through her as she ran to him and threw her arms around his neck. “You’re all right. I was so worried.”

  He brushed the snow from his Stetson. “Cold. And hungry. But I’m all right.”

  He pulled her closer and covered her mouth with his, kissing her like a man starved and thirsting for more of her love. She opened her mouth to his, and as she did, her stomach growled loudly. Laughing, they broke apart. “Dios,” she said, “how rude of me.”

  “You’re hungry too.” He grinned and glanced toward the door. “There’s a good supply of wood. Couple of days’ worth.”

  “Good.” She smiled at the thought of being warm again. “I’ll build the fire in the cookstove, if you’ll tend to the fireplaces.”

  He nodded, leveling his steely gaze on her. “Best we conserve the wood and only use one of the fireplaces.”

  She assumed her most wide-eyed expression of innocence. “Then I suggest we use the one in my bedchamber.”

  “My thoughts exactly.” His voice was low and husky, sending a shiver of desire running through her body.

  She smiled up at him. His eyes glittered with a sensual lust, but there were dark
circles beneath which told her just how exhausted he was from the day’s exertions. As for her own flagging spirits, the sight of the firewood energized her.

  He cleared his throat. “I’d—uh, better carry a couple of logs into your room, then.”

  “Yes, do that.” She worried her bottom lip with her teeth. Soon they would have the remainder of the rich beef stew to eat and the Rioja to quench their thirsts.

  And afterwards they would lie down skin to skin in the soft comfort of her featherbed and make love until the sun rose. Making love with Jared was a revelation. He gave her immeasurable pleasure without asking in return, but tonight she would pleasure him.

  She hummed a little tune while she laid the fire in the cookstove. After the wood caught, she held her hands over the stove, relishing the warmth that had begun to emanate. Fortunately, Sarita had taught her everything she needed to know about managing a house and cooking. Everything she needed to know to be a good wife to her husband. Unfortunately, her father had married her off to a man who neither loved nor respected her. But now with Jared, maybe she had another chance at happiness.

  No! Thoughts like those were dangerous. Risking her heart, not to mention her newly inherited fortune, was reckless. Never again would she allow a man to control her life…or her money. And wasn’t that what men did? It was part and parcel of their gender to crave power and control. This time she would be the one with all the power over her holdings.

  She looked down at her clenched fists. Forcing her fingers to relax, she took in a deep breath.

  A hand landed on her shoulder. She jumped, so intent on her thoughts she hadn’t heard Jared’s approach. “Madre de Dios!”